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Is Myotherapy right for me? 3 Part Quiz

We have recently been involved in a health week with a local business and besides the question of “What is Myotherapy?” the second most popular question was “How do I tell if Myotherapy is right for me?” so today I’m going to provide you with a questionnaire to help you determine if Myotherapy might be of benefit.

Question One – Pain

If you answer yes to one or more of the following Myotherapy may be right for you:

a) Do you experience pain that you or your doctor thinks is from your musculoskeletal system?

b) Have you recently injured yourself at work, from a recreational activity or overdoing a activity such as spring cleaning or tidying up the garden?

c) Has another health professional recommended you get some soft tissue work done for your pain or dysfunction?

d) Have you had surgery which has left you with pain from scar tissue or from lack of mobility during the recovery time?

e) Do you have an ongoing pain complaint that other practitioners have not been able to relieve? Or it gets better for a little while but then comes back?

Total number you answered yes to in this section: __

Question Two – Dysfunction

If you answer yes to one or more of the following Myotherapy may be right for you:

a) Do you believe you have bad posture either while standing, sitting or during certain activities?

b) Has another health professional told you that you need to work on your posture?

c) When you do stretches does one side feel tighter or more uneasy than the other?

d) Have you been told you have a leg length difference, a scoliosis, an increased kyphosis or other bony abnormality?

e) When you move your body do you sometimes feel as though you can’t move as well to one side such as turning your head or your body?

Total number you answered yes to in this section: __

Question Three – Stress

If you answer yes to one or more of the following Myotherapy may be right for you:

a) Do you ever experience tension in your shoulders or back when you are stressed?

b) Do you get headaches or migraines that you or your doctor believe could be related to stress?

c) Do you have a stressful or high pressured job that you think one day might catch up to you?

d) Do you see a health professional for stress related problems?

e) Do you now or have you in the past taken medication (natural or pharmaceutical) for a stress related problem?

Total number you answered yes to in this section: __

Grand total of all three sections: __

Yes 0: You might not benefit from Myotherapy at this time, if you think we have missed something or you have a specific question about your problem, please contact us and one of our friendly Myotherapists will get back to you.

Yes 1-5: There is a strong possibility that Myotherapy will help you especially if you answered yes in multiple sections. If you pain or dysfunction is just in one area you will only need to book a short Initial Consult with us. If you’d like to make a booking click here to go to our online booking service.

Yes 6-10: There is a strong possibility that Myotherapy will help you especially if you answered yes in multiple sections. It sounds like your pain or dysfunction might be a bit more widespread, if this is the case, make sure you book a standard Initial Consult with us. If you’d like to make a booking click here to go to our online booking service.

Yes 11-15: Looks like you have quite a bit going on at the moment. Don’t fret; there is still a high possibility that Myotherapy can help you however it is a good idea to check in with your GP about your symptoms if you haven’t already done so. If you feel confident you have had the once over with your doctor click here to book using our online booking service. Please note it may take a little longer during the assessment phase to properly find out how to best treat you.

If you have any questions for our Myotherapists please fill out our contact form here and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Feel free to share this page with your friends and family if you think they might benefit from Myotherapy treatment.

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