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Myotherapy in a nutshell

Thank you for considering MyoThrive to take care of your muscle, nerve and joint health! This page is aimed at answering questions surrounding what we do. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please book a complimentary phone consult with one our friendly Myotherapists here. Myotherapy in a nutshell? We alleviate pain and restriction of muscle, joint and nerve.

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What are the Benefits of Myotherapy?

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What Conditions does Myotherapy Treat?

Myotherapy can help with a variety of pain and conditions in relation to joint, muscle and nerve. We treat pain and conditions caused by trauma, posture and overuse. We treat problems relating to occupation, sporting and recreational activities.

Commonly treated pain and conditions:

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What are the Treatment Options?

We have a wide range of treatment tools ranging from dry needling to newer movement therapy techniques, to pain and injury massage (see below for a full list). This allows us to vary your treatment to get the best possible result.

Techniques List

Techniques Explained

Dry Needling / Myofascial Acupuncture

Dry Needling (also known as myofascial acupuncture) is where we use an acupuncture needle to deactivate a trigger point in the muscle. It works by creating an immediate response from the nervous system that overrides the pain and contraction cycle. Most of our patients find it more effective than other treatment techniques.

Our Myotherapists have received extensive university level training in dry needling so you can rest assured we are the best in the business at myofascial acupuncture!

Trigger Point Therapy & Pain and Injury Massage

Trigger Point Therapy is where we apply pressure directly to an active trigger point. There are various techniques such as increasing pressure as the pain reduces and gently bouncing between firm and light pressure. In similar fashion to the dry needling; the trigger point therapy sends signals to the brain that overrides the pain and contraction cycle.

We may also use pain and injury massage. It’s similar to remedial massage and sports massage as a technique however we target the treatment to the specific area that’s needed. This means we don’t waste your time massaging parts that don’t really need it and it means you will see results quicker!

Movement Therapy

All our customers receive a movement or two that will help to continue to treat their pain at home. This might be a movement to promote better posture, to retrain a common action or to activate a muscle or group of muscles that’s gotten lazy just to name a few. Our treatment will help you but the real magic happens when you take our movement advice and apply it to your life!

Active Myofascial Cupping

As the name suggest active myofascial cupping involves movement combined with the suction cups. Sometimes we move the cup itself, other times we move your body. We use it to lift the superficial tissues which then allows the deeper muscle to relax. It’s very effective on shoulders, ITBs, backs and calves to name a few.

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Can I use Private Health Insurance?

Short answer, Yes. Long answer? You need to check with your private health insurer if your cover allows rebates for Myotherapy. All practitioners at WMC are covered for rebates and we conveniently have HICAPs so you will only have to pay the gap.

Please note: some providers rebate for Myotherapy within another category such as Natural Therapies or Remedial Massage. Please also check your annual limits.

Products we stock to help your recovery

Body Back Buddy

The Body Back Buddy gives you the ability to treat many different areas in the comfort of your own home. It helps you to reach the areas that are tough to get to with other tools such as the bottom of your feet of you upper shoulders. It is advised that you get assistance off your Clinical Myotherapist on how to safely use this tool for your pain or condition.

Step Forward Orthotic

These orthotics are unique as they help return your feet and your whole body posture back to how it should be! In most cases people don’t have a structural deformity that’s causing their foot problems. We use these in combination with exercises to help strengthen the ankle stabilisers, hip stabilisers and core muscles. In most cases you can do away with other expensive orthotics and reduce the need for ongoing treatment.

Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium

We stock the Ancient Minerals magnesium oil and gel. It is applied topically to absorb through the skin, one of the most effective ways to get magnesium into your body. For people very low in magnesium you can add this to a magnesium supplement as advised by your doctor or naturopath. For people who are showing a few minor signs of magnesium deficiency it is quite effective on its own.

Various Self Myofascial Release Tools

We stock foam rollers, rumble rollers, spikey balls, reflex balls, back release balls, trigger point knuckles, body back buddies and more! Feel free to come in a try a few different types to see which feels the best. We advise getting your Myotherapist to assist you with the most suitable tool for your pain or condition. Please make an appointment with reception if you would like to come in and try on (03) 9888 3473


We stock a anti-burst fit ball. We can pump it up for you (if you have a big car) or you can pump it up at home with a standard bike pump. We stock 3 sizes, 55cm, 65cm and 75cm.


These balls are great for behind the head/neck or under the pelvis during certain exercises. Particularly good for people who suffer low back pain when lying on their back for exercise purposes. It feels very relieving.

Resistance Bands

These resistance bands can take you all the way through your rehabilitation program back to tasks of daily function, body weight exercises and other fitness based exercises depending on your goals.


We don’t stock all these colours but there are lots of options to make your taping suit your personality! We use the tape in sessions for no extra charge when needed but you can buy the roles and do it yourself if you are confident and is an area that is easily accessible by yourself. 2 of our practitioners have done training in ROCKtape application (Sarah and Jonathan). It can be used to treat sports injuries, support muscles and joints, prevent injuries and fatigue, enhance performance and reduce pain.

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